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The University of Hull's newly re-established India, South and South East Asia Project seeks to continue the stellar work in these areas undertaken at the University since the 1960s. Our pages provide more information on the history of Hull's engagement with India, South and South East Asia.In continuing and supporting previous efforts, we seek to foster, facilitate and produce new knowledge on modern India, South  and South-East Asia. We also aim to investigate and promote discussion on the historical and current political, commercial and sociological links between the UK, India South and South East Asia. Finally we are dedicated to facilitating knowledge exchange on the above topics between academics across different disciplines, academics and policy-makers, academics and other stakeholders,  between policy-makers and other stakeholders and finally between all of the above and the public. In order to achieve these goals we will continue producing impactful outputs in various forms, including blogs, reports and articles, aimed at specialist and non-specialist audiences. Further, we have established a series of events, in the form of quarterly lectures/seminars delivered by expert guest speakers on topics of wide interest and importance.

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